Friday, May 18, 2012

Chicken Cake

Yes, it is a chicken cake. I made this cake for a friend and classmate who happens to LOVE chickens. She is also a vegetarian, but after this party she can say that she did indeed eat chicken! :)
I didn't have any instructions to follow to aid in my construction of this cake, I just had to "wing it."

So first, I had to sculpt the head out of chocolate fondant. I found some candy eyeballs to go with it. This was an interesting process that produced a lot of laughs. When I finally created a head I was satisfied with, I proceeded with constructing the cake.
For the nest, I used a single round cake, frosted in buttercup yellow frosting and covered in coconut tinted the same color. I rolled white fondant into eggs. For the chicken body, I used two layers of a football shaped pan. I shaved off the top of each layer and cut them in the shape of wings and attached them to the side with toothpicks. I covered the whole body in fudge frosting and then attached the head and tail I had made with chocolate fondant. I then covered the entire chicken in chocolate frosting with a leaf tip.
Although no one got up to do the chicken dance, this cake was a huge hit!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! Thanks again. You're the best. BAWK! BAWK!
